Last Updated:  Wednesday, May 16, 2018 12:37:37  

Pcola State Athletics

Graphing Calculator & Other Help


How to graph lines
  The pages to the left are downloadable .pdfs of quick, down & dirty how to's on basics of lines, using some features of the TI-84+ Graphing Calculator family, bare bones summary of everything you are supposed to remember from as you move into Pre-Calculus & Calculus.


They won't fix refusal to practice with the calculator but they may help when you are stuck. 

There is also a link to Texas Instrument's website.  Once you get there, click on Classroom Activities, then scroll to Product Tutorials and select a tutorial for the 84+ family. This is also where you can find upgrades to your calculator's operating system plus many other things to help you utilize this useful device.


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TI's website